Understanding the Vibration Of Your Food

Today we’re talking about quantum physics to help you understand the vibration of your food. But…. in true rebel fashion, I don’t have the time or energy to give you a true physics lesson. If you have any questions about what you read here… google is your friend. Go forth and use it.


In short, quantum physics tells us that everything on earth is made up of energy and that energy vibrates at a specific frequency. All vibrations are on a spectrum from very low vibrations (think negative energy) to very high vibrations (positive energy).

A bowl of skillet fried mac and cheese on a white counter

How Does the Vibration of Your Food Impact You?

Have you ever eaten a meal… say a freezer mac and cheese, and felt horrible after finishing it? That food has a super low vibration because it was made in a factory, served on single-use plastic, and cooked in the microwave. Crappy vibrations lead to feeling crappy.

Mac and Cheese isn’t an inherently low vibe food. Nothing is.

You can order Mac and Cheese from your favorite restaurant and have an entirely different experience. The chef who prepares that Mac and Cheese cooks it with passion and love. They have worked their entire life to serve you the perfect mac and cheese.


The ingredients that go into your restaurant Mac and Cheese are high-vibe. Local cheese from a small farm that treats its cows like Queens, house-made noodles, high-quality butter. You feel warm and safe and happy after eating this Mac and Cheese.

Homemade polenta lasagna with garden pesto on a blue plate.

How to Increase the Vibration of Your Food

Not everyone can buy the best quality ingredients all the time. We certainly don’t. We grow whatever we can in the garden, and do the rest of our grocery shopping at WinCo. They are cheap, they have great bulk bins, but the quality of the food is not Whole Foods by any means, meaning it’s not super high vibration.

We do what we can to increase the vibration of our food as we cook it, even if it’s WinCo brand rice or out-of-season tomatoes.

This means we are intentional when we cook. We use lots of spices and flavors. We taste as we go and we pour our heart and soul into the food as we prepare it.

I see a huge difference in the meals we make when we are in the mood to cook and the ones we throw together as quickly as possible on busy weeknights. Love doesn’t flow as easily after a long day at work, and that’s okay. We aren’t going for perfection here. We are just going for awareness and improvement. 

Do you ever find yourself craving comfort food? A meal that a loved one made you often as a kid? It’s usually not fancy. It’s spaghetti, mac and cheese, or chocolate chip cookies. Your loved one who prepared this for you poured their love for you into that dish as they cooked. It had an incredibly high vibration that warmed you from the inside out.

An egg in a person's hand with three chickens in the background

High Vibe vs. Low Vibe Dairy and Meat

Discount chicken, ground beef, store eggs, and dairy are inherently low vibration foods. The animals that gave us their meat and their milk suffered greatly in factory farms and were full of stress hormones when they died.

The addition of chickens to the backyard farm has been wonderful. Highly recommend it if you can swing it. 

I get to start every morning with high vibration guilt-free eggs that make me feel incredible AND then hens are hilarious.

We aren’t vegans or vegetarians, but we try to limit meat to one meal a week. I’m painfully aware of the suffering the animals endured that I consume. Someday I would like to raise all of our chicken and dairy, but we live in the suburbs, so that won’t be happening for a while. 

In the meantime, I acknowledge that suffering. Stuffing it down or ignoring it won’t help increase the vibration of your food. If you want to live intentionally, you have to feel shit – the good and the bad. I take a moment to go inward and thank that animal for their sacrifice. I hold a safe, quiet space for their soul in my heart, and I apologize for the awfulness of humankind. 

I fully recognize the hypocritical nature of this post. Apologizing for the awful humans and then still voting with my dollar by purchasing the meat. I’m also practical. I know that writing this blog and raising your awareness, and maybe convincing you to reduce your meat consumption will go 100x farther than one family going fully vegan. 

Meat and dairy raised by a small farmer or in your backyard and harvested close to home is much more likely to have a high vibration. Proper nutrition means it’s better for you. Access to basic necessities like sunlight, pasture, socialization, and clean water means the animal was less stressed over the course of its lifetime, providing a higher quality product, and not being stressed at the time of its death means it’s much less likely to have adrenaline in the meat and will taste so much better.

4 deep orange carrots being held in front of an overflowing garden bed.

High Vibe vs. Low Vibe Fruits and Veggies

Travel drastically reduces the vibration of fruits and veggies. They are exposed to bad air quality on the road, become bruised and battered en route, and get less and less fresh every day.

We are lucky enough to live in California, and we combat this by eating things that are in season (more likely to be local) as much as possible. This is where our 365 Day Meal Plan comes into play.

Fruits and veggies that are grown in an organic backyard garden have the highest vibrations. Every time you water your plants, trim away a dead leaf, or pick off a bug, you are raising their vibration by pouring your love into them. When another animal shares your bounty, you are pouring back into Mother Nature, and she increases the vibration of your plants in return. 

When you add to your compost and amend your soul, you enrich the nutrients in the plants you grow. When your heart leaps with joy every time you pick a tomato or hand pollinate a squash, you are sending your high vibrational energy into the plant and the food that you eat. 

Before reading this post, you may have never considered the vibration of your food before or wondered why some foods leave you feeling nourished and whole while others leave you feeling like you gained 300 lbs. I hope I got you thinking. I hope you cook with love, and if you have an empty pot lying around, plant a tomato!